My little space

This is a place for me to express myself and vent. You can keep updated on what's going on in my life since I'm not very good at keeping everyone updated elsewhere!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I went to sleep last night after taking some pain meds for my knee. It's been hurting since I mowed the grass on Friday. I stepped in a hole and turned my knee and I'm just too lazy to go to the doctor. I was hoping it would just heal itself if I could stay off of it long enough. LOL!

Well, I went to bed at 10:30 last night. I decided that instead of putting the kiddos on the bus, I would just let them sleep a bit later and take them to school. Well, I remember waking up briefly around 3:30 but fell right back to sleep. I didn't wake up again until 6 and actually slept until6:45. I feel soooo refreshed. Two nights ago, I didn't fall asleep until 2:30 and was back up at 4. UGH!

I got up, got the kids to school and came back home to have a little R&R!!! :) I made my coffee, sat down to write some bills. (We got an unexpected check in the mail...:)!!!) I have to be at work at noon so I'm going to "eat" lunch with Cameron at 10:30 then head on in. I work late tonight...until 6.

Ms. Wanda's mom passed away and we have to go to visitation tonight for her. Ms. Wanda was our nanny for 2 years when I was working full time. Her mom died on her 49th birthday:(
Her funeral is on Friday but if I go, I don't think I'll be home in time to get the kids from the bus.
I'm also supposed to work on Friday until 4 and the funeral is at 1 in Sparta. Don't think I'll make it to this one!

Let's see...what else?

My school start date got moved back to September 18th. I am getting antsy about starting. I just can't believe it's almost time. I'm just glad the kids are already in school and I don't have to get everyone on a schedule at the same time! Thank goodness.

That's about it. Scott's days off are changing this weekend so he'll be home Friday night, Saturday, Saturday night and all day Sunday. Of course he goes in Sunday night and has to sleep sometime, but maybe we can take a nap Sunday afternoon as a family!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Being Productive

I'm attempting to be productive. I got up at 8 this morning and went out to get the paper. I have cut out the coupons for my afternoon shopping excursion and made my grocery list.
I started a pot of coffee, cleaned up a little out in the garage, took out the trash and started a load of laudry. All of this in 2 hours. My dad just called and invited us to lunch at his house! Heck yeah. He makes this stuff that is kind of like meatloaf except it's got a mushroom sauce on it instead. Yummy. I can't wait. He's also making mashed potatos and green beans. At least I don't have to cook lunch and I don't have to lay anything out! I may grab some rolls to take over there when I get to the grocery store. My aunt and uncle along with my cousin will be there. My sister and her husband are planning on coming too. It seems the older I get, the less and less we end up getting together. I really enjoy hanging out with them. Cameron just woke up and Julia is still asleep. I guess I'll have to get them ready to go in just a little bit. I'm planning on a lazy day this afternoon.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

My day...

I got up early this morning. By early, I mean 7am. Took a quick shower, went to some yard sales and by 8:30, we ran into one of Julia's old classmates. They were having a yard sale and her mom asked if Julia and Cameron could stay so her daughters would have something to do. Heck yeah!!! Of course!!! So we left them there and went to some more yard sales for a couple of hours. I got some clothes for Cameron and some tennis shoes for both of the kids. They were only $1.00 a pair and like brand new. I'm having a hard time finding clothes to fit Julia. She's so tall but super skinny. I got her a pair of Capri's today from work. (Keep in mind, she's 8 years old.) They were a size 5 and fit her wonderfully. My problem is when she can't wear capri's when it gets cold and she actually has to wear long pants. We have to get at least a 7 or an 8 for the length but she can pull them down without even trying over her hips because they are so big. The 6's are about 2-4 inches too short, usually. I have a couple pairs of jeans that have the adjustable waist. I think they are 7 slims. But even at that, she can't wear those EVERY day! LOL! Oh well. If anyone runs upon any 7 or 8 slims that look super tiny, please let me know!
It will make getting ready for school in the morning much easier.
Oops, I just went off on a tangent. ANYWAY!
After picking up the kiddos, we went to Cozumel's for lunch. For all 4 of us, the total was barely $20. I'm very proud of our minimal spending at this meal. :)
We came home, I put the kids in "Studio G" (the garage) and set them up with the Nintendo. I came in and took about a 2 1/2 hour nap. Whew! I am feeling pretty good now. My neighbor across the street invited me to come over and have a beer or two with him this evening while he's putting up his fence. (Since he needs someone to tell him how to actually do it. LOL!) Plus his wife is about 9 months pregnant and about to pop any minute! I can't wait to see that little thing. They are naming him Xavier Paul. Enough rambling this evening...I better get to cleaning!

Friday, August 25, 2006


It finally showed up. Thank goodness!!!

I can't believe this...

I wrote a huge post about how my life has been going and it TOTALLY disappeared.
I can't believe it. It must be a sign. LOL!

Worn out...

Where to start. I guess it could be with my sleeping issues. I'm not 100% certain but to the best of my ability to track it, I would say I'm getting between 3 and 5 hours every night. Even when I do sleep, I don't get more than maybe an hour before I wake up.
This has been going on for a LONG time and I've tried different things to remedy the insomnia. I've been on Rozerem, Ambien, benadry, taken Hydrocodone and other medications from time to time that have side effects that cause drowsiness. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Two nights ago, I didn't actually fall asleep until around 11:30 and was back up by 1. I don't think I went back to sleep at all and just tossed and turned. I'm not sure what else to do to actually get some sleep!!! UGH!!

The next thing is I'm feeling like a single married person. The only thing that I don't do on a regular basis around the house is feeding the dogs and letting them in and out. Everything else is my responsibility lately and that in and of itself is very draining. I am even responsible for making Scott's to do list and then reminding him to look at it and then doing anything that he hasn't done. I feel like pulling my hair out.

Add to that the fact that the kids have started to school and we're doing a lot of extra projects, homework and preparation for the next day...I have started working extra hours at work since the other afternoon girl is now getting out of school later.

I am starting back to school this month and even though it's only 1 night of class and 1 night of study group every week, that's going to take a ton of my time, too. I am very fortunate that I can pursue my education but on the other hand, I'm not sure I'm ready to bite off so much with so much going on in my life already!

Then there's Scott's work DRAMA! It's always something. I have made sacrifice after sacrifice for the past 11 years so that Scott can pursue his career. He loves police work but the hours, stress and constant uncertainty and schedule constraints are really wearing on me. Oh, Did I forget to mention that he's going to school full time, too??? Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that. LOL!

Anyway, we found out that his days off are changing yet again and instead of being off on Monday evenings as originally planned for my school schedule, he will be off on other days now. We're still not sure what days those will be but it will change on Septemeber 1st.
I know things happen for a reason and everything will work out but it's hard to keep that in perspective when life seems to be exploding around me.

Whew...that felt good. Maybe just writing that all out on "paper" will help me make a better "Game Plan".
If you got this far...THANKS!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Fun Day!

We got up this morning and when Scott got home, I decided to take the kids to the Williamson County Fair. Scott didn't want to let us go without him, so he got ready and we left. We forgot the camera so we don't have any pictures:(
We saw the Air Dogs doing their competition, the kids and Scott rode the ferris wheel, looked around at the animals and went through the kid's farming section. My favorite part was seeing the baby alpaca. It was soooo soft and furry. We got home around 2:30, Scott hit the sack and I did a little cleaning. I've been playing on the computer for a little while since Scott has homework when he wakes up. I found out that my classes start on August 28th and I'm picking up some extra hours at work now that school has started.
We go for Cameron's screening on Monday and by Tuesday morning, we'll know who his teacher is. He can't wait to start kindergarden and I'm actually kind of excited too.
We'll see how it goes come the first day!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

It's Hot, Hot, HOT!

Especially with no air. Our A/C went out on us on Friday morning. It was hot in the house when we woke up and Scott went outside to check it out. At first he thought it was froze up but on a second look, one of the blades was messed up and it was jammed against the side of the unit preventing it from turning.
I went to work even though I was sick so I could enjoy the air conditioner there. LOL!
The kids and I spent the night with my dad so we could sleep in the cool. By the time we got home on Saturday, it was cool in the house again. We got it fixed for $96 and it seems to still be working fine.
Other than still being sick, I'm doing ok. I can actually breathe through one nostril today and I'm starting on my second day of antibiotics. Has anyone taken 1750mg of Amoxicillin twice a day??? I always get the 500mg 3 times a day. I sure hope this works and gets me back to normal...or as normal as I can be very soon!
On Wednesday night this week, we went to see Monster House and Click at the Stardust Drive in. We had a great time and all stayed awake until both movies were over. I was amazed because we never make it through the second movie. We're still working on the garage. Scott's dad was supposed to come today to help us install more electrical outlets but since Scott and I are still under the weather, we decided to hold off. I think we're going to do some cleaning and just relax today.

I really want to do something this week with the kids before it's time to go back to school. Anyone have any suggestions???