My little space

This is a place for me to express myself and vent. You can keep updated on what's going on in my life since I'm not very good at keeping everyone updated elsewhere!!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Worn out...

Where to start. I guess it could be with my sleeping issues. I'm not 100% certain but to the best of my ability to track it, I would say I'm getting between 3 and 5 hours every night. Even when I do sleep, I don't get more than maybe an hour before I wake up.
This has been going on for a LONG time and I've tried different things to remedy the insomnia. I've been on Rozerem, Ambien, benadry, taken Hydrocodone and other medications from time to time that have side effects that cause drowsiness. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Two nights ago, I didn't actually fall asleep until around 11:30 and was back up by 1. I don't think I went back to sleep at all and just tossed and turned. I'm not sure what else to do to actually get some sleep!!! UGH!!

The next thing is I'm feeling like a single married person. The only thing that I don't do on a regular basis around the house is feeding the dogs and letting them in and out. Everything else is my responsibility lately and that in and of itself is very draining. I am even responsible for making Scott's to do list and then reminding him to look at it and then doing anything that he hasn't done. I feel like pulling my hair out.

Add to that the fact that the kids have started to school and we're doing a lot of extra projects, homework and preparation for the next day...I have started working extra hours at work since the other afternoon girl is now getting out of school later.

I am starting back to school this month and even though it's only 1 night of class and 1 night of study group every week, that's going to take a ton of my time, too. I am very fortunate that I can pursue my education but on the other hand, I'm not sure I'm ready to bite off so much with so much going on in my life already!

Then there's Scott's work DRAMA! It's always something. I have made sacrifice after sacrifice for the past 11 years so that Scott can pursue his career. He loves police work but the hours, stress and constant uncertainty and schedule constraints are really wearing on me. Oh, Did I forget to mention that he's going to school full time, too??? Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that. LOL!

Anyway, we found out that his days off are changing yet again and instead of being off on Monday evenings as originally planned for my school schedule, he will be off on other days now. We're still not sure what days those will be but it will change on Septemeber 1st.
I know things happen for a reason and everything will work out but it's hard to keep that in perspective when life seems to be exploding around me.

Whew...that felt good. Maybe just writing that all out on "paper" will help me make a better "Game Plan".
If you got this far...THANKS!


At 3:02 PM, Blogger chandra said...

No wonder you're worn out! The sleep issues alone would cause me to freak out, let alone all the other changes you have going on. I hope an easy solution appears for Monday nights. Hang in there girl, and go easy on yourself.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger chaos is my life said...

Thanks girl. I got pizza tonight for dinner so I didn't have to cook. The kids are eating and then we're going to Wally-World to get SOCKS! Yes, Socks. The kids have outgrown all of them and they can't wear crocs this year so they have to have socks. Sucks, but what can you do?
Hi ho...Hi's off to wal mart I go. LOL!
I'm just trying to de-stress right now so maybe I can relax soon!

At 5:50 PM, Blogger ashkaitnjakesmom said...

Wow Heather! I don't know how you do it all. I know how stressed I get when Mark is gone for ONE night! You have to be alone and do it all most nights! Big hugs. I hope that you find some time in your crazy schedule to take care of yourself. I know, easier said than done. I have nights like you talked about... alot of them actually recently. I"m sure it's due to stress and the unknown. Hang in there chicky!

At 10:27 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Huge Hugs Heather. Remind me to never whine about my life ever again. If you need to get away for a bit, let me know. I can keep the kids so you can sleep, or play, or whatever.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger chaos is my life said...

Oh, it does wear on you after a while. I don't know how I go for so long between times that I just melt down. LOL! It's usually about once a year that I just totally fed up. It's been getting closer and closer together lately though. I'm just thankful that my kids aren't small anymore and I can actually get out with them without wanting to scream. They are tons of fun at this age!
I didn't want to vent like this but, Dang! I sure do feel better now that I have.

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Amy said...

i so feel your pain on our husbands jobs.


if you need some time, i'll be happy to help with the kiddos!


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