It's Hot, Hot, HOT!
Especially with no air. Our A/C went out on us on Friday morning. It was hot in the house when we woke up and Scott went outside to check it out. At first he thought it was froze up but on a second look, one of the blades was messed up and it was jammed against the side of the unit preventing it from turning.
I went to work even though I was sick so I could enjoy the air conditioner there. LOL!
The kids and I spent the night with my dad so we could sleep in the cool. By the time we got home on Saturday, it was cool in the house again. We got it fixed for $96 and it seems to still be working fine.
Other than still being sick, I'm doing ok. I can actually breathe through one nostril today and I'm starting on my second day of antibiotics. Has anyone taken 1750mg of Amoxicillin twice a day??? I always get the 500mg 3 times a day. I sure hope this works and gets me back to normal...or as normal as I can be very soon!
On Wednesday night this week, we went to see Monster House and Click at the Stardust Drive in. We had a great time and all stayed awake until both movies were over. I was amazed because we never make it through the second movie. We're still working on the garage. Scott's dad was supposed to come today to help us install more electrical outlets but since Scott and I are still under the weather, we decided to hold off. I think we're going to do some cleaning and just relax today.
I really want to do something this week with the kids before it's time to go back to school. Anyone have any suggestions???
Sorry your still not feeling 100% girl. I too want to do something fun with Ashlee before she goes back. Not sure what though!! Sorry I'm no help!
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