My little space

This is a place for me to express myself and vent. You can keep updated on what's going on in my life since I'm not very good at keeping everyone updated elsewhere!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to...

What happened to this "part time" job I have???

I worked 11 hours on Tuesday and 9 hours on Wednesday!

That's all the hours I normally work in a WHOLE week!

I'm going in early today, too. We've just been so swamped and it's almost impossible to get ahead when you're so far behind! Don't get me wrong, though! I love the extra cash. It sure does make a difference.'s time to get ready to go back to work again!

I'm definitely not staying late tonight, though. I AM NOT missing the premiere of Grey's Anatomy. LOL!


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry girl! I hate to miss cool shows too! I missed it but I know nothing about the previous season anyway, hope you catch next weeks.


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