My little space

This is a place for me to express myself and vent. You can keep updated on what's going on in my life since I'm not very good at keeping everyone updated elsewhere!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Lost their mind!!

Metro that is. LOL!
Scott has court this morning. It's LABOR DAY for heaven's sake. I didn't think that ANY governments worked on holidays, but apparently Metro is confused. LOL!
Hopefully with it being a holiday, Scott can get in and out without much trouble! We're planning on going to the zoo with some friends in a bit. The kids are in "Studio G" watching Cry Baby with Johnny Depp. I'm catching up on my internet time and we're going to get a quick shower and head out to meet Scott at the police station! We haven't been to the zoo all summer since it's been so hot so today will be GREAT!
This new medicine seems to be working wonderfully. I'm not near as crabby as I have been in the past, thank goodness.

Oh, my neighbor finally had her son yesterday afternoon late. He was 9lbs, 8oz and 20 inches long. I can't wait to see the little booger. I'm sure he's cute as a button!

Have a great holiday!!


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