My little space

This is a place for me to express myself and vent. You can keep updated on what's going on in my life since I'm not very good at keeping everyone updated elsewhere!!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Ok, really. I am 31 years old and I CANNOT get organized. I don't know if it's because I have 3 other people coming behind me and unorganizing everything or if it's just because I can't do it!

Feel free to leave some organizational tips here for me to read and implement.
The first thing I have done is print off calendars so that I can write down everything I need to do. (Appointments, school, work, etc.)

I am a huge pack rat and am married to an even bigger packrat, so I'm working on de-cluttering and downsizing our belongings.
It just takes tons of time...which I really don't have right now.

I'm open for any suggestions any of you might have to help me get organized! I'm making this my 12th year of marraige resolution!

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Saturday, July 07, 2007


I'm heading out to go to work in about an hour and a half. I actually enjoy working. Not that I don't get irritated with people sometimes, but for the most part, I can tolerate a LOT for some cash!

The kids are going to visit with a friend while I'm working so that takes a HUGE load off of me. Julia is spending the night with this friend tonight while Cameron gets an evening of Julia-Free computer time.

It seems like some things are falling into place for us. We're going out of town in a couple of weeks and I just can't wait. I think we need a little family time as life seems to be flying by at warp speed.

Let's see. On other fronts. I'm half way through my class at school. I've got my midterm on Monday night and in two weeks is my final. I love these super short accelerated classes. They are a pain when you're in the middle of them, but when the 5 weeks are done, it's another 3 hours under your belt. That makes a huge difference!

Scott is going to be off starting tomorrow at 3 until we return from vacation. Hopefully he'll be motivated to get some things done around here. We have to go help a friend tear down her old shed at the first of the week then do the stuff to get ready to leave around here. The dogs need baths, laundry needs to be done, packing, etc.

I think we're going to the zoo on Tuesday to see the baby cougars. I love baby animals. They are so cute and cuddly. I'm just thanking my lucky stars that I don't have to clean up after them. LOL!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I've been slacking.

I can't get into this blogging thing. It's driving me bonkers!

I did feel like I needed to come here and type some things down to get them out of my head.
My friend Jenna passed away last week. Her funeral was on Saturday. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that she is actually gone.

I know that the people who are left behind when someone dies each have their own way to grieve. I have cried, talked with friends, just sat here and stared at the computer screen reading her blogs and the blogs of her family and friends.

I'm selfish. I don't want Jenna to be gone. I want to be able to pick up the phone and call her. I want to be able to jump on my Yahoo instant messenger and chat. I want her back.

God had other plans for Jenna. I can't second guess why he took her from us. I can pray that I become half the mother to my children that she was to hers. I can pray that I'm half the wife to Scott that she was to Mark. I can also pray that I can be the friend to others that she was to me.

Thanks for all the great memories, Jenna. I will miss you.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's been a while.

Wow! It's been a while. I'm finally better. I went back to work today and I really enjoyed it. I have never been so happy to be working.
I'm trying to do some cleaning, laundry and getting the kids stuff organized. I really need to back away from the computer so I can accomplish something!
Hope everyone is doing well!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Running together

My days are, that is. I am a little unsure of what day I'm living in. I've been so doped up this week that I forget what day is what and what time is what. I feel like I'm in a time warp. I'm fairly certain that today is Friday...since Scott is leaving for work and he doesn't have to work on Saturday this week. LOL! The kids are quiet and leaving me alone, so I am a happy camper.
My friend Lisa brought me flowers today. It was so sweet of her and it made my day!!! I've moved them around the house to wherever I am at today. It's been so fun to have flowers:)

Another friend, Sylvia, brought me a card and a surprise! My friend, Mareica, brought dinner last night.
I am so fortunate to have such GREAT friends in my life.
I love you all!!!


Back to the ER

Well, last night, my pain started back. I was drinking tons of fluid but when I went to the bathroom, there was very little to come out. What did come out was filled with blood. I showed it to Scott and I think he kinda freaked out a bit. LOL!
So, another jaunt to the ER since we waited on "hold" for nearly 2 hours before we could reach the doctor that did my surgery.
They did an x-ray to make sure the stent was still in place, they poked me twice to get blood for bloodwork. I peed in a cup...and of course, I've got an infection. I didn't have a fever, thank goodness, but can I tell you how crabby this nurse was???

She asked why I was there, well, I can't exactly talk because the night before I had a tube shoved down my throat. I was trying to explain what was going on but it was a little difficult and I had to keep stopping to clear my throat.
Then she asked what drugs I had taken before I came in. Well, I pulled out all the bottles for her to see. She proceeds to ask, "Well, which ONE of these did you take before you came tonight?" I had to explain to this poor lady with multi-colored skunk hair that I, indeed took EVERY one of the medicines I had laid in front of her about 2 hours earlier.
It's not uncommon to take a pain killer (which didn't work all that well), an antibiotic and a urinary antiseptic tablet all at once! They got me in a room. I didn't actually see a doctor, just the PA. I really didn't care, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to keel over from loss of blood. So the other nurse comes in, can't find a vein, but attempts to draw blood from my right arm. NO such luck. I don't even think I bled when she poked me or pulled out the butterfly.
So, she goes to get this much older, much more experienced nurse. Well, the new nurse looks, my left arm is bruised from where they took blood on Monday. My right arm...well, the first nurse didn't find blood there, so there was no use trying there again.
My right forearm is where they put my IV for my surgery. So finally she opts for the back of my left hand. Let me tell you! Thank goodness I took my pain meds before I went or I surely would have been off that table. It HURT! She dug around for a minute and finally the blood started flowing. She took 4 vials of blood and it took forever. I wasn't dehydrated. I had consumed a minimum of 32 ounces of liquids less than an hour before I got there. Hence the concern when I only peed enough to cover the bottom of a cup. LOL!
Anyway, my bloodwork came back ok, other than the infection in my urine, I'm ok. Other than the 12 inch stent from my bladder into my kidney, I'm ok. It's all normal, routine stuff. Now, I just have to get ready for the removal next week! I'm sooooo looking forward to that!

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Kidney Stone! Yuck!

That's what I have! I'm in severe pain when I'm not on my Percocet. Plus, I can't even talk straight because I'm a little "high" lol! Scott thinks I'm a lot nicer when I'm high. hee hee.

Anyway, if you don't see me for a couple of days, just know I'm trying to pass this thing!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to...

What happened to this "part time" job I have???

I worked 11 hours on Tuesday and 9 hours on Wednesday!

That's all the hours I normally work in a WHOLE week!

I'm going in early today, too. We've just been so swamped and it's almost impossible to get ahead when you're so far behind! Don't get me wrong, though! I love the extra cash. It sure does make a difference.'s time to get ready to go back to work again!

I'm definitely not staying late tonight, though. I AM NOT missing the premiere of Grey's Anatomy. LOL!