My little space

This is a place for me to express myself and vent. You can keep updated on what's going on in my life since I'm not very good at keeping everyone updated elsewhere!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy Weekend

Well, let's see...
We had a busy weekend. Scott was off on Saturday night. He's trying to get his 20+ page paper done so he can turn it in by Wednesday. I took the kids to a birthday party on Saturday and they had a great time. Cameron got clocked in the head by a weedeater and has a big bump. Julia has been a little cranky all weekend. We saw Kate yesterday afternoon and she took our pictures. It's been forever since we've had family pics done so I'm waiting to see how they turn out. Scott is going to his first playdate ever this morning so I'm excited to see how that goes. LOL! It looks a bit gloomy out today. Maybe it will be prettier once we get to Roxy's.


At 2:35 PM, Blogger busymomof3 said...

Awesome on getting a family pic done! I can't wait to see them!

At 2:41 PM, Blogger ashkaitnjakesmom said...

Oh cool! You'll have to tell me how you like them. We need a family one done in the next couple months!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It was great to see the silly picture of you at the playdate! Sorry I missed seeing you in person it seems like forever! HUGS!


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