Goodness! I feel like I haven't set down in a week. We went to a birthday party last night with the kids and have 2 more today. One is at the Y for my cousin at 2 and the other is at the park by the library this afternoon. I'm just happy that Scott is off and can go with us to these today.
We are planning on going to the zoo with some friends tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be too hot. After the zoo, we'll probably take a nap then we may hit the drive in to see Over the Hedge and Hoot tomorrow night. If anyone wants to see the current movies in Watertown, check out www.stardustdrivein.com. I didn't work out this weekend so far and I so need to. It's very hard to stay motivated when we've got so much going on.
Oh, my dad called me just after 8:00 last night to let us know that he had 3 baby quails hatch in his incubator. Growing up, we had tons of birds and it was one of my favorite things to help out with. Julia and Cameron both went with me last night to see the new babies. There were 3 of them at around 9 last night but another egg had some small cracks in it. Hopefully we will have more today!!!
The chickens should hatch out by next weekend and we'll probably spend a ton of time helping grandpa with his birds over the summer.
I haven't actually emerged from my bed today yet...except when Scott told me we had a new dog in the back yard. I jumped up, rushed to the back door in my underwear and realized that he had shaved Ophelia. I bet she's a lot cooler without all that hair...and she will create a lot less hair all over the place. LOL!
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